Country: Angola
Closing date: 23 Apr 2016
· Coordination of MDM response in yellow fever outbreak.
· Technical assistance to MoH and IEC and epidemiological subcommittees.
· Planification of activities and elaboration of proposals.
· Project management and financial supervision of project. Supervising attainment of objectives, guaranteeing appropriate monitoring through follow-up of project indicators and verification sources.
· Preparation of the SITREP situation reports, monitoring reports and final reports required by donors
· Coordination of the local personnel assigned to the projects in his/her charge. Guarantees that epidemic response are implemented in line with organisation’s policies and principles.
· Represents MDM in meetings with authorities, MoH, UNS, and others. Ensure the participation of MDM in all the humanitarian coordination mechanisms.
· Support the resource mobilization in the field.
· Is responsible and supervise all staff members working at the yellow fever project (recruitment, training, follow up, evaluations).
· .
· Participates in the definition and update of project planning and budget.
· Is Responsible for submission of all locall purchase requests to HQ.
· Participates, in the definition of human and material resources needs to ensure the correct implementation of activities.
· Ensures that security is guaranteed to the highest level possible by implementing all MdM policies.
· Ensures the proper management of the staff under his/ her supervision
· Defines and update job profiles and descriptions of staff and submits them on time.
How to apply: