Country: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Closing date: 19 May 2017
Mercy Corps has been operating in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) since August 2007, with a staff of around 250 people working in North and South Kivu. Mercy Corps' national office is in Goma with sub-field offices in Katwe, Mweso, Butembo (North Kivu), Bukavu (South Kivu). Current Mercy Corps activities focus on the provision of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) services in camps of internally displaced people, but also large-scale WASH infrastructure and service delivery development in urban centers. Mercy Corps also has Food Security, Economic Recovery/Development and Governance programs, with an increasing shift towards transitional and integrated development programming. The DRC team has a strong commitment to providing entrepreneurial and innovative solutions to development challenges, and is actively seeking and facilitating market-based solutions.
The Food Security and Inclusive Access to Resources for Conflict-Sensitive Market Development (FARM) program will work to improve access to, control over and utilization of land for 25,000 households in North Kivu and improve target market systems through increased cooperation between market actors in selected value chains, contributing to food security. FARM will put emphasis on improving access to land through improved service delivery and dialogue platforms for the benefit of the target population. In parallel, FARM will facilitate linkages between farmers, agri-businesses, private sectors actors, cooperatives and government in order to strengthen and diversify the target market systems.
The Program Director will provide overall leadership, management and strategic vision for the implementation of a multi-million dollar Dutch Embassy funded Program over 4 years. She/he will be the senior manager of the project, providing overall leadership and strategic vision. S/he will represent the consortium to the donor, organizations implementing complementary programs, the Gov of DRC and other stakeholders; s/he will communicate regularly with them about notable programming events, results and findings. Overseeing the Programme Management Unit, s/he will be responsible for programme integration and holding Mercy Corps and partner teams accountable for meeting the program's strategic objectives in a financially responsible manner.
Strategy and Vision
Recognize opportunities for innovative action and create an environment where alternative viewpoints are welcomed.
Set direction by prioritizing and organizing actions and resources to achieve objectives.
Oversee the development of annual, integrated strategic work-plans for the program.
Program Implementation
- Oversee program start-up and ongoing program management and administration of teams across various field locations.
Lead the development of detailed implementation plans, flowing from annual strategic work-plans, and ensure the delivery of the same.
Outline a strategic plan for the implementation of the program including finalizing target areas/projects, methods of operation for effective programming and maximum results.
Ensure that program implementation is cohesive and responsive to communities, GoDRC, partners and aligned with Mercy Corps principles, values and strategic plan.
Oversee performance of consortium partners and sub-grantees.
Conduct frequent field visits to all project sites.
Oversee inception phase data design, collection and analysis, including partner organizations, consultants and third parties.
Oversee smooth transitioning from program inception phase to implementation phase.
Ensure compliance with all PM@MC minimal standards.
Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) and Reporting
- Facilitate the achievement of program targets and objectives and collaborate with the Country DMEL Manager to design effective M&E systems for the program, and linkages with internal M&E systems.
- Coordinate scheduling and production of formal and informal reports on all program aspects in a timely and efficient manner.
- Ensure that M&E staff focuses on assisting programs to generate practical information that can be used for ongoing program decision-making while also capturing results at the impact level.
- Collaborate with Country DMEL unit to produce written internal/external reports on the program activities capturing impacts/costs related to all activities, as per internal and Donor requirements.
Coordination and Representation
Liaise with The Dutch Embassy in Kigali and Goma Representation and represent the program to other ISSSS aligned or funded programs, cooperating sponsors and other stakeholders.
Represent Mercy Corps at government, donor, NGO and other relevant events in the field (including the Clusters), in close coordination with the Country Director and DCD – Programs.
Coordinate activities with consortium partners, sub-grantees, local government and other implementers, as well as with other Mercy Corps programs.
Team Management
Supervise and manage all project staff in Goma and in the field sites to ensure day-to-day activities are implemented according to schedule, budget and quality.
Manage and help with the recruitment, orientation and ongoing training of FARM staff to ensure they are of the quality and technical capacity necessary to ensure the successful implementation of activities.
Monitor and advise on staffing needs throughout the program.
Create a work atmosphere conducive to professional growth and development of excellent personnel at all levels.
Implement, and ensure all staffs are effectively using the performance planning and management system, establishing performance expectations and regularly providing constructive feedback.
Promote accountability by conducting staff annual performance reviews with direct supervisees and ensuring that supervisory staff do the same.
Contribute to country team-building efforts and ensure integration of all team members into relevant decision-making processes.
Program Support Operations
- Ensure, in collaboration with the country program's operations and finance departments, proper financial management, procurement, administration, HR and logistics needs of the program are conducted within Mercy Corps policy and with the maximum benefit to the program.
- Monitor adherence to grant agreement, Mercy Corps policies and procedures and relevant external rules and regulations, including those of the Congolese government.
- Work closely with the country team's security focal point to develop and maintain systems that ensure the safety and security of the team in all aspects of its work.
- Ensure programs are designed and implemented with a clear analysis and understanding of security management priorities.
Organizational Learning
- As part of our commitment to organizational learning and in support of our understanding that learning organizations are more effective, efficient and relevant to the communities they serve - we expect all team members to commit 5% of their time to learning activities that benefit Mercy Corps as well as themselves.
Accountability to Beneficiaries
- Mercy Corps team members are expected to support all efforts towards accountability, specifically to our beneficiaries and to international standards guiding international relief and development work, while actively engaging beneficiary communities as equal partners in the design, monitoring and evaluation of our field projects.
SUPERVISORY RESPONSIBILITY: Direct Supervisor to 4 FARM staff, 23 indirect.
REPORTS DIRECTLY TO: Deputy Country Director – Programs
WORKS DIRECTLY WITH: Other in-country program managers, Head of Offices, Finance Director and Manager, Operations Director, HQ Regional Program Team members, TSU team members
- MA/S or equivalent experience in social science, management, international development or other relevant field;
- At least 7 years of overseas experience including 3 years in a senior management position;
- At least 3 years of experience managing a food security or market development programs (value chain development experience required), land conflict or other conflict programs (or a combination of these types of programs)
- Conflict management experience preferred;
- At least 2 years' experience in managing a consortium program with other INGO partners in a complex operating environment;
- At least 3 years' experience in managing large teams in multiple remote locations;
- Technical knowledge of agriculture, market development, conflict mitigation and management, resource governance, and/or gender;
- Previous experience with Dutch/DFID funded grants preferred;
- Strong management and organizational skills, with good understanding of relevant cross-cultural issues;
- Strong written and oral communication skills in English, including report development, writing and editing;
- Experience / skills managing programs in insecure regions required;
- Demonstrated attention to detail, ability to follow procedures, meet deadlines and work independently and cooperatively with team members;
- Experience in Africa, specifically DRC, preferred;
- Patience, perseverance, initiative and a sense of humor required.
- Fluency in written and spoken French required.
The successful Program Director will be familiar with the opportunities and challenges of rural, peri-urban food security and market development programming. Knowledge of the context specific challenges to conflict mediation and market development in Eastern Congo is a strong advantage. A strong combination of team leadership, coordination, experience in conflict mitigation and stabilization programming, reporting and donor and government communication skills is preferred. S/he will have familiarity with the procedures of consortium management. The position requires an ability to think creatively about improving market opportunities, including access to land and value chain development to promote sustainable institutions and practices for long-term household and community food security, contributing to increased stability. A successful Program Director will complete activities in a timely manner in accordance with Mercy Corps and donor procedures and guidelines.
This is an accompanied post based in Goma, DRC / Gisenyi, Rwanda. The Program Director will spend at least 25 percent of her/his time visiting project sites.
Goma is a provincial capital of around 1million inhabitants. Living in Goma is comfortable, although water and electricity can be unstable. Outside Goma, travel can be dangerous and unpredictable due to armed forces and rebel activity. While conditions in the country are improving, and security is quite stable in Goma, there are still pockets of violence and insecurity. Mercy Corps' sub-offices experience variable levels of insecurity, with the situation closely monitored by UN peacekeepers. Air travel is necessary to get from one end of the country to the other. Mobile phones and cellular service are widely available. Internet is available in all Mercy Corps offices. Travel to field sites will be required where living conditions are clean and secure, but basic. There are a number of health services available with evacuation options for serious illnesses. There's reasonable access to most consumer goods, although they can be expensive.
Mercy Corps Team members represent the agency both during and outside of work hours when deployed in a field posting or on a visit/TDY to a field posting. Team members are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner and respect local laws, customs and MC's policies, procedures, and values at all times and in all in-country venues.
How to apply:
Apply Online