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Democratic Republic of the Congo: (Re-advertisement) Solicitation for Personal Services Contractor (USPSC/TCN) Global Climate Change Specialist

Organization: US Agency for International Development
Country: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Closing date: 06 Feb 2017

The United States Government, represented by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), is seeking applications from qualified U.S. Citizens or Third Country Nationals interested in providing PSC services as described in the attached solicitation.

Submittals shall be in accordance with the attached information at the place and time specified.
Interested applicants must submit:

(i) Most current curriculum vitae or resume with cover letter;
(ii) Completed, hand-signed form AID-302-3;
(iii) Three references, who are not family members or relatives, with telephone and email contacts; and,
(iv) Biographical Data Sheet – Form AID 1420.

The CV/resume must contain sufficient relevant information to evaluate the application in accordance with stated evaluation criteria. The applicant’s references must be able to provide substantive information about his/her past performance and abilities. USAID/DRC reserves the right to obtain from previous employers relevant information concerning the applicant’s past performance and may consider such information in its evaluation.

Form AID-302-3 must be signed; those submitted unsigned will be rejected. Applicants should retain for their records copies of all enclosures that accompany their submissions.
Applications shall be submitted by email by the closing date and time. Late applications shall not be considered and will be handled in accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) 15.412.
USAID/DRC anticipates awarding one (1) Personal Services Contract as a result of this solicitation. This solicitation in no way obligates USAID to award a PSC contract, nor does it commit USAID to pay any costs incurred in the preparation and submission of the application.
If you are selected for this position you must be available to start work o/a end-March of 2017. This availability shall be indicated in your cover letter.


ISSUANCE DATE: January 6, 2017

CLOSING DATE/TIME SPECIFIED: February 6, 2017 at 17:00 (Kinshasa Time)

POSITION TITLE: Global Climate Change Specialist

MARKET VALUE: GS-14 Equivalent ($88,136 to $114,578) Final compensation may be negotiated within the listed Market value based upon the candidates past salary, Work history and salary back ground.

PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE: 2 years (initial contract) with possible renewal, up to three years with one-year extension options

PLACE OF PERFORMANCE: Kinshasa, DRC and Central Africa

COMMENCING: March 2017

SECURITY ACCESS: Secret Clearance/ Employment Certification

AREA OF CONSIDERATION: United States Citizens and Third Country Nationals (US/TCNPSC)

I. Background

Tropical deforestation worldwide is a major contributor to emissions of greenhouse gases, accounting for at least 15 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). According to the UNFCCC, avoiding deforestation must play a central role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, thereby mitigating global climate change. While deforestation and forest degradation in the Congo Basin cannot be completely arrested given the already alarming demographic and technological trends in the region, effective forest management will substantially stabilize emissions of greenhouse gases from deforestation and degradation. Maintaining intact forests will also provide many other ecosystems benefits such as biodiversity habitat, non-timber forest products, tourism, water sources, and economic opportunities for the burgeoning populations of Central Africa.

Central Africa contains the second largest area of contiguous moist tropical forest in the world. More than 60 million people live in the region, and these people depend on their rich forests and other biotic resources for their livelihoods and economic development. These forests form the catchment basin of the Congo River, a watershed of local, regional and global significance. The forest provides valuable ecological services by controlling and buffering climate at a regional scale and by absorbing and storing excess carbon dioxide released from the burning of fossil fuels, thereby helping to slow the rate of global climate warming.

The USAID Central Africa Regional Program for the Environment (CARPE) is a 25-year USAID regional initiative begun in 1995. The first phase of CARPE (CARPE I) was characterized as an exploration or identification phase, which identified and established the conditions and practices required to reduce deforestation and loss of biological diversity in Central Africa. CARPE II was a scaled-up operational phase comprising nine-countries, with the management base shifted to the USAID/DRC mission in Kinshasa. The objective of CARPE II was to reduce the rate of deforestation, forest degradation and biodiversity loss in the Congo Basin through increased regional, national and local capacity for natural resource management. In 2009, CARPE II evolved from the initial focus on forest and biodiversity conservation to become the U.S. Government (USG)’s main program in Africa for climate change mitigation.

In June 2011, the USAID Africa Bureau approved the Regional Development Cooperation Strategy (2012-2020) for the third phase of CARPE. The goal of CARPE III is to accelerate Central Africa’s transition to climate-resilient, low-emissions development accelerated through sustainable management of biodiverse forests. USAID will reach that goal by achieving the development objective of maintaining the ecological integrity of the forest ecosystems in the Congo Basin through sustainable landscape management, mitigation of threats to biodiversity, good governance of natural resources and strengthened capacity to monitor forest cover changes, and biodiversity. Under this phase, USAID implements, through cooperative agreements with international conservation organizations and interagency agreements with USG Agencies, two distinct but interdependent projects, namely the Central Africa Forest Ecosystems Conservation (CAFEC) project and the Environmental Monitoring and Policy Support (EMAPS) project. These projects support the USG priorities to conserve tropical forests and biodiversity, the Presidential Global Climate Change Initiative to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, the National Strategy for Combating Wildlife Trafficking and USAID's Climate Change and Development Strategy. CARPE’s climate change mitigation interventions support the national REDD+ strategies and action plans of the focus countries, especially DRC and ROC, and work closely with the SylvaCarbon and LEDS programs funded by other USG programs (Department of State and USAID/Economic Growth, Education and Environment (E3) Bureau).

The site-based CAFEC project focuses on sustainable forest management, wildlife conservation and community-level REDD+ activities linked to national REDD+ strategies through programs covering nine carbon-rich, biologically sensitive and diverse natural forest landscapes. These landscapes are located within the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and the Republic of Congo (ROC), with portions of individual landscapes reaching into the Central African Republic and Rwanda. EMAPS aims to improve national and regional environmental policies and regulations, and build capacity of public and private institutions to support forest and biodiversity conservation, and national REDD+ programs. EMAPS also provides state-of-the-art monitoring of forest cover change, GHG emissions and biodiversity.

The principal means of achieving the CARPE III objective is to strengthen institutional and human capacity at the regional, national, and local level. Institutions that monitor and manage the conservation and use of forest resources and that inventory, observe, and report on greenhouse gas emissions are strengthened, and specific policy and regulatory reform is promoted to favor greenhouse gas emission reduction in conjunction with more intensive and direct ground-level conservation programs. CARPE works with African NGOs, research and education organizations, government agencies, and private-sector companies to evaluate threats to forests and biodiversity in Central Africa, to identify opportunities for sustainable forest management, and to work with African institutions, local communities, private firms, and government resource managers to build their capacity to more effectively manage the vast tropical forest resources of the Congo Basin.

Gender is considered as a crosscutting theme for CARPE partners. Mainstreaming gender issues have many benefits when seeking to achieve sustainable conservation and natural resources management. Deforestation in Central Africa results from complex livelihood-related behaviors practiced by many actors, including both women and men, and CARPE operates with sensitivity and attention toward gender issues, and in a manner that ensures equal participation and benefit by women.

The CARPE management team is located in USAID/DRC (Kinshasa) under the leadership of an expatriate Team Leader assisted by an expatriate Deputy Team Leader, an expatriate Global Climate Change Specialist, an expatriate Natural Resources Management Specialist, and three Foreign Service nationals (FSNs) providing program development/implementation and administrative support to the CARPE team. In addition, one FSN based in Brazzaville assists with coordination of activities in the Republic of Congo.

II. Statement of Work

Basic Function of the Global Climate Change Specialist Position

The Global Climate Change Specialist is a key member of the core team for the CARPE Operating Unit. Under the supervision of the CARPE Team Leader, the Specialist has a wide-ranging, pivotal role in functioning and interacting within a highly specialized Team, providing overall program management and planning support, achieving results, monitoring the performance of the CARPE partners and the program overall, and coordination of implementing partners and donors. S/He is expected to exercise independent judgment and initiative in executing all duties and responsibilities, and work with minimal direct supervision. His/her general responsibilities will consist of the following:

  • Assist the Team Leader in providing management assistance and supervision oversight in the implementation of the entire CARPE program and all its activities.

  • Serving as Agreement Officer’s Representative (AOR) and/or Contract Officer’s Representative (COR) for CARPE contracts, grants and agreements. S/He will also be involved in the planning and administration of interagency agreements (i.e. IAA/PAPA/PASA).

  • Act as senior resident expert advisor on technical and policy pertaining to sustainable landscape management and climate change policy, practices and international agreements.

  • Coordinate and provide liaison and technical guidance on the development and implementation of the CARPE program with implementing partners, host country counterparts, and other donors specifically on the subjects of Global Climate Change/Sustainable Landscape (GCC/SL).

Specific Responsibilities:

1. Assist the Team Leader in management assistance and supervision oversight in implementation of the entire CARPE program and all its activities:

a. Serve as COTR/AOTR for acquisition and assistance awards under CARPE. In such capacity, the incumbent will:

i. Work with the Team Leader, with other CARPE staff and with USAID/Washington to coordinate and manage CARPE activities in each participating country and targeted landscape;

ii. Oversee the work of contractors, grantees and recipients to ensure the achievement of the objectives set forth in the statements of work or the program descriptions of the awards and to verify that the USAID-funded activities conform to the terms and conditions of the award;

iii. Recommend in writing to the Contracting\Grant\Agreement Officer when any changes to the statement of work or program description, technical provisions, and/or any other term or condition of the award are necessary, along with justification for the proposed action;

iv. Review contractor and grantee work plans and recommend revisions where needed;

v. Administer financial management responsibilities;

vi. Organize the review of non-competition continuation applications;

vii. Provide oversight for the Operating Unit (OU) Files supervisor to ensure that OU files are in accordance with USAID ADS Regulations;

viii. Draft statements of work or program descriptions and prepare necessary funding documents for Requests for Proposal (RFPs) or Requests for Application (RFAs);

ix. Plan and administer interagency agreements to ensure effective coordination of activities for result achievement;

x. Promote integration and mutual support of activities implemented under contracts, grants, cooperative agreements and interagency agreements; and

xi. Ensure closeouts of awards in compliance with existing regulations and procedures.

b. With the Team Leader’s authorization as needed, supervise and provide technical and managerial guidance to other team members on the matters relating to Global Climate Change.

c. Support the Team Leader in program planning, designing and budgeting.

d. Prepare and/or contribute substantively to key CARPE documents, including, but not limited to: Obligation and earmarking documents, Congressional Budget Justifications, Annual Portfolio Review reports, Operational Plans, Annual Performance Reports, policy papers, new activity solicitation documents and the financial tracking systems;

e. Participate in and/or lead the design and implementation of special studies and/or initiatives to further the objectives of CARPE in the subject areas of GCC/SL.

2. Act as Senior Resident Expert Advisor on technical and policy matters pertaining to GCC/SL:

a. Advise the core management team, the expanded team, USAID Missions/field Offices, contractors, implementing grantees/recipients, host country governments, US embassies and other partners involved in CARPE on technical issues and policy matters pertaining to GCC/SL and related matters.

b. In the absence of the Team Leader or Deputy Team Leader and/or with his/her authorization, serve as liaison and represent the core team on technical and policy matters, as appropriate, to the host country counterpart agencies, implementing partners, and other international organizations, to help facilitate exchange of information and coordination of activities.

c. Take the lead role in assessing the breadth, depth, and appropriateness of CARPE activities relating to Global Climate Change, and the programs of various donors in addressing the identified environmental problems such as deforestation in target zones.

d. Interpret/analyze the social, economic, political and institutional issues that affect the achievement of CARPE objectives and keep abreast of developments in the international negotiations and discussions around GCC/SL and apply the results to the design and implementation of new activities or to the modification of existing activities.

e. Provide technical advice and support for CARPE in-house team, CARPE beneficiaries and implementing partners through training and capacity building activities by:

(i) assembling input from all activity managers and other team members and preparing an annual training plan with appropriate targets and technical content;

(ii) working with implementing partners to agree on respective roles and responsibilities, identify training needs and opportunities, and implement training programs within the host countries, in the U. S. and in other countries;

(iii) ensuring complementarities and integration of the implementing partners' training programs with the OU Performance plan; and

(iv) facilitating reporting on training activities in an appropriate format and frequency.

f. Act as liaison with USAID/Washington and State Department (especially EGAT Pillar and Africa Bureau; State/OES Bureau) on technical, policy and programmatic issues and identify opportunities for collaboration with USAID/Washington programs.

g. Ensure adequate dissemination of CARPE results to partners, stakeholders, and beneficiaries through organizing and making presentations at workshops, symposia, conferences, publications, etc.

h. Keep abreast of, and disseminate to interested stakeholders and implementing partners as appropriate, new developments or sources of worldwide information in the fields of GCC/SL.

3. Oversee the design, updating and/or implementation of CARPE’s performance monitoring plan (PMP) and evaluation plan, especially with reference to objectives and measurement systems for carbon emissions, sequestration and forest management:

a. Take the lead in updating and summarizing data for the implementation of the CARPE’s PMP in the GCC/SL technical fields.

b. Ensure coordination among implementing partners and an understanding of their respective roles and responsibilities, in implementing the team's Performance Management Plan.

c. Organize periodic forums to discuss, and take the lead in updating the PMP—including results framework, performance indicators and targets—as new activities are integrated within the CARPE program.

d. Ensure the adequacy of core team members' respective activity monitoring plans by helping to prepare site visit schedules and providing technical oversight and quality control in methods of data sampling, measurement and verification.

e. In collaboration with other team members, coordinate, verify, compile and present of annual performance data for CARPE's annual portfolio reviews and the Performance Report submission to USAID/Washington.

f. In coordination with activity managers and implementing partners, prepare and monitor implementation of CARPE evaluations and special analytical studies.

4. Monitor compliance of CARPE activities with USG environmental regulations:

a. Work with CARPE colleagues, Mission Environmental Officers and Regional Environmental Officer to ensure compliance of all CARPE activities with USG environmental regulations, in particular Regulation 216, by conducting periodic field monitoring of activities' compliance with approved Initial Environmental Examinations (IEEs) and environmental assessments (EAs) and recommending modifications to the IEEs or EAs as appropriate.

b. Identify opportunities for training, as needed, for team members and implementing partners (both U.S. and host country nationals) for preparation of environmental scoping statements, activity IEEs, environmental impact monitoring and mitigation plans, environmental assessments.

Post-entry training:

The selected candidate is expected to hit the ground running and be fully conversant with the state-of-art and technical knowledge and skills related to the position. However, in selected areas of project management (Acquisition & assistance, gender integration, USAID environmental regulations etc.), USAID may provide training as needed.

Relationships and Responsibilities

Supervision Exercised: No continuing personnel supervisory responsibilities are envisaged for the incumbent, but supervisory responsibilities may be delegated by the team leader in special circumstances.

Supervision Received: The position will work as a full member of CARPE’s core team, supervised by the CARPE Team Leader or Deputy Team Leader. Annual evaluations of work performance will be prepared by the Team Leader based on 360 input from the core team members, partners and customers.

Employee Guidelines: The individual will be expected to be an expert in his/her field, and be able to independently obtain USAID policy guidance and USG/USAID acquisition and assistance regulations as necessary to perform his/her duties.

Exercise of Judgment: The incumbent will handle all work independently, according to policies, previous training, accepted practices, and programmatic guidance. He/she must be able to set priorities and initiate and complete tasks in a timely manner and with minimal supervision. The incumbent will make program decisions based on expert knowledge and judgment and will function as acting Team Leader in the absence of the CARPE Team Leader/Deputy Team Leader. He/she must demonstrate sound judgment in determining the application of current legislative provisions and policy determinations to assigned responsibilities.

Nature, Level, and Purpose of Contacts: The incumbent will work with all levels of staff in USAID's Field Missions/Offices and USAID/East Africa, including team leaders and members of appropriate Operating Units and support offices in USAID/DRC.

The incumbent will develop working contacts with USAID/Washington technical offices, State Department Officials in Washington Headquarters, particularly State/OES, the Special Climate Change Envoy’s Office, regional US Embassy staff including and up to US ambassadors, host countries' counterpart ministries to the level of Secretary Generals, and other USG agencies at post, PVO and NGO partners, other donors and international organizations, and community-based organizations and customers.

III. Qualifications

Minimum Qualifications: A comprehensive range of broad experience and formal education are required, including:

Education and Experience

a. A postgraduate degree in environmental science with specialty in climate change, forest management, sustainable ecological systems or equivalent is required. A Ph. D. degree in a similar discipline is preferred.

b. A minimum of 10 years of experience in managing programs related to climate change mitigation biodiversity and natural resources with at least five years’ experience managing relevant projects and programs in developing countries. A candidate managing climate change mitigation programs during the last three years will be preferred.

c. At least a Foreign Service Institute or equivalent French language rating of 3 speaking and 3 reading.

d. Fluency in spoken and written English.

Other Required Knowledge, Skills and Aptitudes:

a. Ability and willingness to undertake frequent work-related regional and in-country travel under difficult and harsh conditions.

b. Demonstrated ability to live and work effectively in cross-cultural settings at many levels. Ability to interact with high-level officials and community members alike.

c. Demonstrated keen interest in global climate change science and related areas (e.g., sustainable forest landscapes, drivers of deforestation and forest degradation, land use management, carbon sequestration, carbon measurement and carbon markets. and related issues.

d. Demonstration of in-depth knowledge of global climate change programs funded by other donors and multilateral agencies in Africa.

e. Excellent interpersonal and team work skills are required (verifiable by from employers)

f. Highly developed communication skills in both written and spoken form, in English and French languages.

g. Administrative and management skills commensurate to manage complex monitoring, evaluation and project implementation activities in multiple countries under difficult and adverse conditions.

h. Existing or ability to obtain a secret security clearance (for US citizens).

i. Existing or ability to obtain a State Department medical clearance for service in the DRC.

Desired Qualifications:

a. Demonstrated experience and knowledge of climate change policy and the international framework that will support the Sustainable Landscape programs.

b. Supervisory experience and skills.

c. USAID Activity management and Program management experience.

d. Certified USAID AOR/COR

e. Capability in a variety of USAID web-based applications such as Global Climate Change Report, Operational Plan, Performance Monitoring and Management, USAID Financial Management, GLAAS, and other USAID reporting and management systems.

f. Work experience with an international organization in Central Africa.

Duration of the Position: The position is valid for a period of two years, but at the option of USAID and depending on availability of funds and continuing need of USAID, the position may be extended with mutual agreement up to three years with one-year extension option.

Selection Criteria Points

Education 20

• Graduate degree in an environmental science or related fields (15)

• PhD in an environmental science or relevant fields strongly preferred (20)

Experience and Skills 80

Experience (55):

At least 10 years of experience in managing large field-based programs related to climate change mitigation programs, biodiversity or natural resources management or a combination of such programs (40) with a) at least five years’ experience managing similar projects and programs in developing countries (10); and b) managing climate change mitigation programs during the last three years will be preferred (5).

Skills (25):

Demonstrated ability to live and work effectively in cross-cultural settings at many levels as evidenced by work experience in several countries or multi-cultural environments and ✓ Ability to interact with high-level officials and community members alike (5). ✓ Evidence of strong writing and speaking skills particularly in English language (5) ✓ Excellent teamwork and interpersonal skills (5)-verifiable by past employers/supervisors ✓ At least a Foreign Service Institute or equivalent French language rating of 3 speaking and reading (minimum required) (10).

Medical and Security Clearance

The selected applicant must be able to obtain a USG Secret Level security clearance within a reasonable time-not to exceed three months and a Department of State Class I Medical Clearance. TCNs should have Employment Certification by the RSO, U.S. Embassy, Kinshasa.


As a matter of policy, and as appropriate, a PSC is normally authorized the benefits and allowances listed in this section. [NOTE: A contractor meeting the definition of a U.S. Resident Hire PSC, shall be subject to U.S. Federal Income Tax, but shall not be eligible for any fringe benefits (except contributions for FICA, health insurance, and life insurance), including differentials and allowances.]


o FICA Contribution o Contribution toward Health & life insurance o Pay Comparability Adjustment o Eligibility for Worker's Compensation o Annual & Sick Leave o Access to Embassy medical facilities, commissary and pouch mail service as per post policy B. ALLOWANCES (If Applicable): (1) Temporary Lodging Allowance (Section 120) (2) Living Quarters Allowance (Section 130) (3) Post Allowance (Section 220) (4) Supplemental Post Allowance (Section 230) (5) Post Differential (Chapter 500) (6) Payments during Evacuation/Authorized Departure (Section 600) and (7) Danger Pay where applicable (Goma) (Section 650) (8) Education Allowance (Section 270) (9) Separate Maintenance Allowance (Section 260) (10)Education Travel (Section 280) * Standardized Regulations (Government Civilians Foreign Areas).

C. FEDERAL TAXES: USPSCs/Green card holders are not exempt from payment of Federal Income taxes under the foreign earned income exclusion.

I. CONTRACT INFORMATION BULLETINS (CIBs/AAPDs) PERTAINING TO PSCs AAPD 06-11 Home Leave and Revised General Provision 5, Leave and Holidays AAPD 06-10 PSC Medical expense payment responsibility AAPD 06-07 AIDAR, Appendix D: Contract budget, salary determination and salary increase AAPD 06-01 Medical evacuation insurance CIB 01-10 Revision of medical clearance process – PSC with U.S. Citizens CIB 01-07 Clarification of the extension/renewal policy regarding PSCs CIB 01-05 Clarification of the Rest and Recuperation (R&R) policy regarding Third Country Nationals (TCNs) CIB 00-08 Revision of Competitive Process – PSCs with U.S. Citizens CIB 00-03 FICA & Medicare Tax Rates for Personal Services Contracts CIB 99-22 PSC Policy CIB 98-23 Guidance regarding Classified Contract Security and Contractor Personnel Security Requirements CIB 98-16 Annual Salary Increase for USPSCs CIB 98-14 Change in Required Application Form for USPSCs CIB 98-11 Determining a Market Value for Personal Services Contractors Hired under Appendix D. CIB 97-17 PSC’s with U.S. Citizens or U.S. resident aliens CIB 97-16 Class Justification for use of Other Than Full and Open Competition for Personal Services Contracts with U.S. Citizens Contracted with Locally, with CCNs and TCNs Subject to the Local Compensation Plan, and for Overseas Contracts of $250,000 or less CIB 96-23 Unauthorized Provision in Personal Services Contracts CIB 94-09 Sunday Pay for U.S. Personal Services Contractors CIB 93-17 Financial Disclosure requirements under a Personal Services Contract CIB 89-29 Use of Government Bill of Lading for Transportation of Personal Service Contractor (PSC) Household Effects, Unaccompanied Baggage and Privately Owned Vehicles.

Various Contract Information Bulletins (CIBs) and Acquisition and Assistance Policy Directives (AAPDs) pertain to Personal Services Contracts can be found at:


Additionally, AIDAR Appendixes D or J also applies to PSCs can be found at: http://www.usaid.gov/policy/ads/300/aidar.pdf

How to apply:


Interested applicants MUST submit the following materials:

  • Most current Curriculum vitae or resume

  • Completed, hand-signed form AID-302-3; the form can be found in the USAID website www.usaid.gov/forms/.

  • A biographical Data Sheet-Form AID-1420.

  • Three references, who are not family members or relatives, with telephone and e-mail contacts

  • Brief appendix to demonstrate how prior experience and/or training address the minimum qualifications and selection criteria shown in the solicitation

Late, incomplete or unsigned applications will NOT be considered.

All applications should be submitted electronically to:usaidhrkinshasa@usaid.gov with a copy to skiyanga@usaid.gov

All applications should be received by the closing date and time previously specified. To ensure consideration of applications for the intended position, please reference the solicitation number on your application and as the subject line in any cover letter. The selection will be based on the panel evaluation of the applicants vis-à-vis selection criteria mentioned previously.

Points of Contact

PRIMARY: Michael Sampson, Supervisory Executive Officer, Phone (in DROC) - (+243) 081- 710-0654; Email: msampson@usaid.gov

SECONDARY: Sandra Kiyanga, Human Resource Specialist, Phone (in DROC) - (+243) 081- 700-5722; Email: skiyanga@usaid.gov


Forms outlined below can be found at: http://www.usaid.gov/procurement_bus_opp/procurement/psc_solicit/

  1. AID-302-3 2. AID-1420 2. Contractor Physical Examination (AID Form 1420-62) 3. AID 6-1 (Request for Security Action) 4. SF-86 (Questionnaire for National Security Positions) 5. FD-258 (Fingerprint Cards) 2 each 6. AID 610-14 (Authority for Release of Information) 7. AID 6-85 (Foreign Residence Data) 8. Fair Credit Reporting Act of 1970, As Amended 9. Notice Required by the Privacy Act of 1974

** Forms 3 through 9 shall be completed only upon the advice of the Contracting Officer that an applicant is the successful candidate for the job. Note: The selected individual shall be required to obtain a security clearance.


AAPDs contain information or changes pertaining to USAID policy, regulation and procedures concerning acquisition and assistance. A number of AAPDs pertain to Personal Service Contracts. Please refer to the USAID website: http://www.usaid.gov/procurement_bus_opp/procurement/psc_solicit/ to locate relevant AAPDs. Additionally, AIDAR Appendix D or J also applies to PSCs and can be found at: http://www.usaid.gov/policy/ads/300/aidar.pdf

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